QM Power is commercializing Joe Flynn's "Parallel Path" overunity motor and generator technology. With funding from NASA, the US Army & Navy, the National Science Foundation, and DOE they have developed working prototypes and are racing toward the market place!

by Hank Mills with Sterling D. Allan
Pure Energy Systems News
You have probably heard of Joe Flynn's Parallel Path technology. As described on his website, his technology allows for magnetic fields from permanent magnets to be switched from one path of a magnetic circuit to another. Up to four times the magnetic force can be produced than the same arrangement with no permanent magnets, and only a coil winding. When this technology is utilized in a motor or electrical generator, large gains of energy can be produced which results in very high efficiencies (among many other benefits). Although discussion about the "overunity" potential of this technology has been avoided like the plague by those developing it, the capability is obviously there.
A company named "QM Power" has has acquired all rights to the intellectual property previously owned by Flynn Research. QM Power was founded in 2006, and has been focused on developing the Parallel Path Magnetic Technology (PPMT). P.J. Piper is the co-founder, president, and CEO of the company. Joe Flynn serves as Chief Technology Officer. Over the past few years, the company has obtained funding from NASA, the US Army, the National Science Foundation, and the DOE to continue their work.
What Makes PPMTTM So Different from a Conventional Motor or Generator? | |||
Conventional motor/generator magnetic circuits Conventional motors and generators operate with field coils and/or magnets arranged in “series”. As a result, no matter how many magnets or field coils (electro-magnets) are used in the devices, there is only one flux path and a magnetic field with one unit of force created along that flux path. | |||
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PPMTTM circuits - PPMTTM motors and generators create parallel flux lines due to the arrangement of the permanent magnets placed in the device. This generates 4X the force for a given electrical input (flux² = force) compared to conventional systems along that flux path. | |||
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PPMTTM is the ONLY motor or generator solution utilizing parallel path magnetic circuits. PPMTTM utilizes a simple but novel design to generate more power from the same electromechanical components. | |||
• What Makes PPMT So Different From A Conventional Motor? (part 2) |
Parallel Path Magnetic Technology
The PPMT technology at its core is very simple. The QM Power website offers a basic explanation. A PDF document on the Flynn Research website also explains the technology. A page on their website also provides a description with diagrams.

A magnetic circuit composed of flux lines is present in the setup. A piece of magnetic material brought close to the setup would be attracted to either end. Flux lines would run through such a piece of material and produce a certain quantity of force. When current is run through the two coils, everything changes. Suddenly, a piece of magnetic material brought close to one end of the setup would experience four times the previously experienced magnetic force. However, a piece of magnetic material brought to the other end would experience no force whatsoever.
What the PPMT does is use a pulse of current to steer the flux lines to one side of the system or the other. This produces a magnification of force on one side (up to 400%) and zero force on the other side. Once the flux has been steered, the current running through the windings can be turned off and the effect will stay in place with no external power.
Obvious Overunity
With this technology the magnetic field of multiple permanent magnets can be guided, steered, or switched (many terms could be used) with little input energy. Instead of producing force as a pure electromagnet, the majority of magnetic force produced by a PPMT device is from the permanent magnets. The force produced by the fields of the permanent magnets is continuous, lasts for thousands of years, and does not require continuous input energy. The PPMT only switches the flux from these permanent magnets from one side of the setup to the other, and changes which side is capable of producing force. This clearly leads to the conclusion this is a "free energy" or "overunity" technology!
In physics, work is the term used to describe energy transfer by a force along a distance. Work can also be considered as "energy." The basic equation to calculate work is simple.
Force x Distance = Work
The total work produced is measured in Joules. One Joule equals the energy or work produced by a force of one Newton over the distance of one meter.
A Newton is the force required to accelerate an object with a mass of one kilogram at a rate of one meter per second squared.
One Newton is equivalent to 0.2248 pounds of force. In other words, it takes 0.2248 pounds of force to accelerate an object with a mass of one kilogram at a rate of one meter per second squared.
So let's perform a few simple calculations.
QM Power claims there is a quadrupling of force on one side of the device. Realistically, there is less than a quadrupling due to losses in the system. A number frequently used is a 3.5 increase in force after losses.
Lets suppose we have a PPMT device (with the coils turned off), that can attract a one kilogram piece of ferromagnetic material over one meter of distance at a rate of acceleration of one meter per second. The result is one Joule of work/energy produced.
1 Newton x 1 Meter = 1 Joule
Now lets increase the force in the above equation by 3.5.
3.5 Newtons x 1 Meter = 3.5 Joule
The result is 3.5 Joules of total energy/work, and 2.5 Joules of gain.
Before we continue, we have to look at another piece of information about the device. On the Flynn Research website it is stated,
"In the actuation of the PPMT device, the steering coil only needs to have sufficient current to equal the flux of one permanent magnet. Thus, in PPMT devices a given amount of magnetic flux can be controlled with only half the field coil power required by conventional devices."
That statement indicates to me that the coils that serve as electromagnets consume at least one Joule of electrical energy/work. To account for even more losses, let's make that one and a half Joules.
3.5 Joules (total) - 1.5 Joules (consumed by the coil) = 2 Joules (OVERUNITY GAIN!)
So by this rough estimate, for every one unit of electrical input two units of magnetic force is produced (when only one unit "should" be produced if we were keeping to the laws of physics).
This is a very nice gain. But please, hold on! There is more!
It is also stated on the Flynn Research website:
"Once the flux has switched and the actuation elements have moved to create an air gap on the zero force side, the steering coils can be turned off and the actuator or motor will remain in this new state at four units of permanent force with no power required."This indicates to me that unlike a traditional electromagnet that must stay "on" for as long as the magnetic field needs to be active, the electromagnet of a PPMT only needs to be briefly pulsed and then turned off. This represents a very significant gain mechanism, and another potential way the technology produces overunity!
For example, if the ferromagnetic core of an electromagnet had to be magnetized for let's say one second, current would have to be flowing through the coil for that entire length of time. A PPMT device would only have to stay on for a fraction of that time. Perhaps only 1/10th of a second. It would only need to be activated long enough to switch the magnetic field of the permanent magnets, and could then be turned off. For the same torque to be produced on the rotor, the PPMT would require only 1/10th the input. This is the reason the PPMT is said to be even more efficient at lower speeds than higher ones!
Finally, there is another issue to address. The follow excerpts from the PPMT technology white paper explains how the negative effect of back EMF is reduced with this technology.
PPMT Technology White Paper
"In a PPMT motor, the current in the stator field coil increases under load, but at the same time provides an induced bucking flux to reduce the motors retard force. Unlike a conventional VRM, the back emf (BEMF) is generated by the magnet flux switching back and forth through the field coil during rotation. The result is a generator action internal to the motor that provides an additional energy source from the switching magnet flux to augment the energy coming from the power supply. A PPMT motor will display an over-voltage condition at the output of the power supply that will back bias the power supply rectification diodes and prevent power supply conduction during the over-voltage condition. In other words, even when being driven as a motor, a PPMT device is also simultaneously acting as a generator for part of each switching cycle. Proper design allows one to thus improve motor efficiency compared to conventional motors by optimizing the operating point to make maximum use of the switched magnet flux. Essentially the motor uses the combined flux from the load-induced current added to the magnet flux to generate shaft torque. Similar benefits occur in applying the motor as a generator. In contrast a conventional VRM has its BEMF generated by the change in inductance with rotation angle as the rotor passes over the wound pole and does not have the same potential for increasing efficiency and torque."In fact, the paper claims that when a PPMT is used as a generator (by turning the rotor to generate power from the coils) the construction of the device actually produces an effect which helps overcome back EMF.
"Because of the unique magnet and coil relationship in a PPMT generator/motor, the current induced into the windings forms a magnetic polarity in the windings and field-poles that supports rather than opposes the direction the rotor is turning. This is commonly referred to as the ‘motor effect’ in a generator, but with conventional generators, the motor effect normally opposes the direction of rotation, reducing the efficiency of the generator and creating "drag" on the prime mover. With a PPMT generator this drag is reduced."The Parallel Path effects seems to obviously allow for overunity gains of energy. QM Power seems fearful of talking about this, and avoids discussing the true potential of their technology on their website. Instead, they discuss the benefits of more "efficient" motors and generators.
Perhaps QM Power is trying to avoid the stigma attached to claimed "overunity" technologies. Perhaps avoiding mentioning the most amazing aspect of the PPMT was the only way to get funding from NASA, the US Army, the DOE, and other organizations. If that was the case, it is truly tragedy that mainstream science has become so cult-like, their skepticism pressures inventors and companies to avoid revealing the full potential of their discoveries.
More Benefits and Advantages
When describing their technology, QM Power avoids talk about overunity, free energy, or over one hundred percent efficiencies. It is easy to guess why! Instead they talk about the benefits and advantages of their technology in terms most skeptics might find a tad bit easier to swallow.
One advantage the company mentions on their website is unprecedented power. Their technology produces up to four times the torque of conventional motors at low end speeds. Also, they claim that for the same peak output power, the average power of one of their motors is up to 27% higher. They also claim their electrical generators produce several times the power density of conventional generators. They make no claims of OU, but it's obvious what's happening in these systems! They are getting more output (either mechanical or electrical forms) for the same input!
Another advantage they discuss is efficiency. They claim their systems typically have efficiencies beyond 90%, and the main advantage is that their *average* efficiency is much higher than that of conventional systems. For example, a conventional motor might have a peak efficiency of 90% at high speed, but at low speed might only have 50% efficiency. The result would be an average efficiency of less than 90%. A motor using their technology could have an efficiency higher than that. In fact, they claim most variable speed motors have a peak efficiency of less than 60%.
Interestingly, it is said their technology has the highest efficiency when designed for a constant speed. Perhaps when designed as a variable speed system their systems are not over 100% efficient, but due to what we know about their technology I think it is obvious their systems can produce overunity when designed for constant speeds. Of course, they may have a policy of not designing any system to produce over 100% efficiency. Even if they decided to just build highly efficient motors and generators (but not overunity), they would still have a gigantic market. Perhaps keeping the skeptics off their back is their top priority, and not demonstrating the ultimate potential of their technology?
Many other benefits of their technology include great reliability (customers are already performing life cycle tests on their systems), lighter weight, do not require rare Earth elements, smaller physical size, wider power zone, and a cooler operating temperature.
QM Power states the PPMT technology can be incorporated into all sorts of vehicles including cars, trucks, buses, golf carts, forklifts, locomotives, and others. It can also be used for more efficient power generation, to build more powerful actuators for robots, more efficient motors in appliances (such as the compressor motors of air conditioners). They have also received funding to work on generators using their technology that could be used in windmills.
One of their product lines is named Q Synch, and is claimed to offer higher efficiencies in many different applications. As an example, it claims the typically efficiency of motors used in commercial refrigeration is between 18% and 32%. They claim a Q Synch motor would be 82% efficient. The result would be less money spent on electricity to power such a refrigeration unit.
Of course the most promising application of their technology would be a self-sustaining electrical generator to power homes, businesses, and vehicles. Even though they do not appear to openly discuss such a possibility, I would bet they have built and tested such a unit. If they have, it would be nice for them to post the results of such testing!
Product Availability
The company claims they will have products available by the end of 2011. They also claim there are customers now performing extended tests on their products. Some of these customers currently performing tests may be NASA, the US Army, or other organizations that have provided them with funding.
The Aerospace company, Boeing, is also claimed to be a customer. Flynn Research worked with Boeing to build prototype motors. After performing testing on the prototypes they stated:
"PPMT is the biggest leap in motor and generator design logic in more than a hundred years." -- Boeing Phantom WorksOne of the advantages that the Flynn technology provides with their high torque and power density is the ability for aircraft wheels to propel the craft around the airport themselves, rather than having external craft have to attach and push the craft around.
Personally, what I want to know is when they will offer a product that produces more output than it consumes either mechanically or electrically.
Latest News
At the fourth International Conference on Future Energy, P.J. Piper the CEO and President of QM Power held a presentation about their technology. Here is a paragraph from a review of the conference.
"The most amazing presentation without a paper was by P J Piper from QM Power, which is marketing the breakthrough work by Joe Flynn on "parallel path" magnetic motor designs that save energy by doubling the flux and creating four times the power delivery. Mr Piper stated that most motors on the market run at 20% or less where the Flynn motor design delivers over 90% efficiency! The companies that are on board with www.QMPower.com include Toyota and many others. This motor and generator design is destined to replace all existing single path motors on the market today."It would be interesting to know if P.J. Piper made any off the record comments about the full potential of their technology. Perhaps someone asked a question about the possibility of overunity. I would have liked to have heard the answer! My guess is that he would have responded, "We can't talk about that." However, there is a chance he could have shared additional information after the official presentation was over.
Baseload Power Generation Horizon
Once QM Power has enough strength in the marketplace, and once the stigma against "overunity" is overcome, I expect that they will then openly pursue and announce the baseload power generation capability of the technology.
Reducing energy loss by increasing efficiency (up to 100%) is a good thing and provides real economic benefits. However, actually PRODUCING energy from over 100% efficient systems is much, much more significant. Being able to produce overunity gains of energy would take the significance of this technology to a much higher level!
Hopefully, we will learn more as time goes by, and QM Power will be more open about the true potential of their technology.
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