Stefan Hartmann: The PDF file documentation of Otto´s and Roberto´s TPU-ECD experiments can be found here[it is also available in our Downloads/ZPE_related section- Vlad]:
See http://www.overunity.com thread for details.
You can also see on Google a few of Steven Mark's TPU videos:
Free Energy Coil UEC Group Demo
free energy Steven Mark solid state generator video 1
free energy Steven Mark solid state generator video 2
free energy Steven Mark solid state generator video 3
free energy Steven Mark solid state generator video 4
free energy Steven Mark solid state generator video 5
Mayan writes: Hi all,
I have noticed a thing that is very interesting. The TPU-ECD is nothing more than a fancy parallel
tank circuit ! The "collector" is the capacitor, capacity can be measured between the two wire of the collector. This cap is parallel with the control coil. Output is also parallel with the whole thing. So this
circuit will have an exact resonance frequency, if you drive it on this frequency, current-resonance occurs, and also it will transform the input spikes into an exact sinewawe, just like a tesla coil.
So this is a low voltage, electronic driven tesla coil. I think if someone build a simple tank circuit, the bulb parallel with it, and drive it on its resonant frequency, the same occurs like the TPU-ECD experiment.
Read this please:

- Electrogenerators without moving parts (solid state generators). There is a generator consisting of a couple of collector coils around a closed ring-circuit that runs through its kernel. The combination once started with a battery draws external energy from the magnetic field of the earth. In a demonstration unit of about one kilowatts we see how the principle operates on the basis of a rapidly vibrating magnetic field. The concept one is further investigating produces around 2007 still too much heat and appears to be working no longer than an hour continuously. It is of the Steven Mark Free Energy Coil UEC Group (see demovideo, compilation video, his messages, a research report, discussion).
A likewise concept consists of an iron ring with magnets placed around it. The magnetic flux in the ring is caught by the windings running through apertures in the iron ring. The system is called GENIE (Generating Energy by Nondestructive Interference of Energy). It was developed by a research group led by Mark Goldes named Magnetic Power Inc. who found their inspiration in old and neglected patents. The corporation promises a cheap generator for the entire world that makes no noise and makes it possible for people to get of the grid and live free from fossil fuels. There is a patent request filed and one may inspect demonstration models under nondisclosure conditions. Lee Felsenstein, one of the great minds who laid the foundation for the development of the personal computer, the PC and the Home Brew Computer Club (info, Wikipedia) corroborates the validity of the claims (patent filed, site, Peswiki-page).
Next there is the Motionless Electric Generator of Tom Bearden (patent USA 6362718). The device patented in 2000 consists of a diamagnetic ring of a certain alloy with a magnet at its center with two coils left and right around the arms that with a switching mechanism alternately blocks and releases the magnetic flux which left and right is moving through the ring. The by the flux created current is picked up by two other coils left and right around the arms of the ring. The energy needed to push away the magnetic field at one side is about half the amount of the strength of the magnet itself, but when the magnetic field returns to its original state does that happen with the full power. From space is then the force of the field that was lost replenished. It is called theAharonov-Bohm effect. The so-called non-linear oscillation theory constitutes the physics basis. It happens when one closes a magnetic loop. It can be compared to what Nathan Stubblefield (1860-1928) discovered when he managed to obtain and use (negative) electric (radiant) energy from the earth caused by the same effect. The exclusion of magnetism outside the system created by the magnetic loop creates an electric field outside the system that can be tapped by a coil. Thus one generates overunity in the MEG, depending the suitability of the material to switch the fields. His system was successfully replicated by J. Naudin. The problem of this system is the proper tuning of the timing needed. The conditions for the functioning of a system feeding itself like this were described by the Stanford engineer Gabriel Kron (1901-1968), the inventor of the so-called negative resistor. Tom closely collaborated with the practical genius John Bedini and is a military trained mathematician and nuclear physicist who in his practice of science as well theoretically as practically belongs to the most erudite and intellectually productive inventors of our days in this field. He is more or less the self-acclaimed extraordinary professor in that science who personally knows many of the free energy inventors and also promotes the development of new players in the field. In the year 2007 he said he was in the last phase of producing his generator commercially (see also: Video, MEG-project, article, the Wikipage about it and the documentary Energy from the Vacuum (part 2). One of Bearden's most popular quotes is: "At any point and at any time, one can freely and inexpensively extract enormous EM energy flows directly from the active vacuum itself."
There is also a portable version, a simple suitcase generator (image to the left) that produces about ±25 watts of power, in about the way Bearden's generator works, but then without the input energy from the outside. The generator operates on two transformers and a very powerful magnet with a coil and a special electronic circuit harnessing a hi-tech chip to switch the magnetic fields. It also contains a panel of ultrathin graphite sheets, layers of carbon with the thickness of atoms, called graphene. These layers conduct electricity and catch a part of the electromagnetic spectrum. It is owned by J.B. Schwartz of the Noah's Ark Research Foundation (site, video 2002).
Historically preceded to these devices four different concepts. Firstly was there a patent from 1871 for a 'Electromagnetic Battery' consisting of two doubly wound and interconnected coils around iron cores of Daniel Macfarland Cook (US 119,825). The coils had to be energized to start a process that was self-generating and by Cook was called an 'improvement in induction coils'.An attempt to replicate this did not succeed in proving the operation of this device.
Concerning the ring-generator of Stephen Mark there was a second patent of Tesla from 1898 (US 725,605) called a "System of Signaling" which used two coils in a spiral form that caught the energy of 'space waves that have a speed of, or greater than, that of light'. That energy, once it was captured, could be sent between the two coils.
Further was there in 1977 an invention of Peter T. Markovitch which, inspired by Tesla's inventions, with a steel globe on a mast and two coils, a round one around a spiral one, produced a timing difference with a difference of electric potential between the energy from space and the earth so that between the globe and the two coils a current was charging with a capacity of 0.5 kWh maximum. His device was called ATREE (Apparatus To Rectify Ether Energy). The energy of the ether was rectified with it into a usable form of electric energy according the inventor. Different tests of the Washington Research Center proved that the device operated as was said. Markovitch founded the Markovitch Technology Institute. A patent was never acquired out of idealism. Its knowledge was, contrary to the millions demanded by Stephen Mark for his version of this invention, free available for everyone. About further developments and other replications than those of Mark's ring generator we couldn't find any data.
Fourth was there concerning the winning of energy from wound magnets the technology of two devices, called the "Magnetstromapparat" and the "Stromerzeuger" invented by the german wehrmacht captain Hans Coler in the thirties of the previous century. The first device consisted of a hexagon of six ferrite magnets that were specially wound to the left and the right with copper wire in
such a way that also the magnets themselves were part of the circuit. Next was there a switch with two capacitors and solenoid coils which slided into each other. By tuning the system with trial and error could an electrical current be raised of up to twelve Volts from this solid state setup. The "stromerzeuger", the second apparatus, consisted of magnets, copper plates and flat coils that together with a small dry battery of 6 Volts were put into action. The final model of 1937 produced 6 kWh of current, the thousand fold of the input thus. After the war was the inventor interrogated by the British secret service. He had to make a test model under controlled conditions to exclude fraud. That setup was successful, overunity was demonstrated, but Coler could not provide a coherent theoretical explanation for his finding. He said that he had discovered that ferrite magnets demonstrated an oscillation of 180 Hz. In his circuit was the electric potential inductively raised from the oscillation. He spoke of a hitherto unknown source of energy he called 'Raumenergie', space-energy. The report of the British Intelligence Objectives Subcommittee (Final Report #1043, Item #31), was initially kept secret but later published. Because of the war and the initial secrecy was the device, despite of the different scientific verifications of before and after the war,not developed any further. In Germany no patent was granted for it because it would concern a 'perpetuum mobile'. Results of modern replications are as yet not known, even though there are indications that the people of the above mentioned GENIE-generator have been inspired by Coler's invention. An experiment after Coler's claims confirms that there is indeed a difference between an electron going from the north to the south and one going from the south to the north through a magnet (see also review, videos 1 & 2,forum en info page, drawings).
A likewise concept consists of an iron ring with magnets placed around it. The magnetic flux in the ring is caught by the windings running through apertures in the iron ring. The system is called GENIE (Generating Energy by Nondestructive Interference of Energy). It was developed by a research group led by Mark Goldes named Magnetic Power Inc. who found their inspiration in old and neglected patents. The corporation promises a cheap generator for the entire world that makes no noise and makes it possible for people to get of the grid and live free from fossil fuels. There is a patent request filed and one may inspect demonstration models under nondisclosure conditions. Lee Felsenstein, one of the great minds who laid the foundation for the development of the personal computer, the PC and the Home Brew Computer Club (info, Wikipedia) corroborates the validity of the claims (patent filed, site, Peswiki-page).
Next there is the Motionless Electric Generator of Tom Bearden (patent USA 6362718). The device patented in 2000 consists of a diamagnetic ring of a certain alloy with a magnet at its center with two coils left and right around the arms that with a switching mechanism alternately blocks and releases the magnetic flux which left and right is moving through the ring. The by the flux created current is picked up by two other coils left and right around the arms of the ring. The energy needed to push away the magnetic field at one side is about half the amount of the strength of the magnet itself, but when the magnetic field returns to its original state does that happen with the full power. From space is then the force of the field that was lost replenished. It is called theAharonov-Bohm effect. The so-called non-linear oscillation theory constitutes the physics basis. It happens when one closes a magnetic loop. It can be compared to what Nathan Stubblefield (1860-1928) discovered when he managed to obtain and use (negative) electric (radiant) energy from the earth caused by the same effect. The exclusion of magnetism outside the system created by the magnetic loop creates an electric field outside the system that can be tapped by a coil. Thus one generates overunity in the MEG, depending the suitability of the material to switch the fields. His system was successfully replicated by J. Naudin. The problem of this system is the proper tuning of the timing needed. The conditions for the functioning of a system feeding itself like this were described by the Stanford engineer Gabriel Kron (1901-1968), the inventor of the so-called negative resistor. Tom closely collaborated with the practical genius John Bedini and is a military trained mathematician and nuclear physicist who in his practice of science as well theoretically as practically belongs to the most erudite and intellectually productive inventors of our days in this field. He is more or less the self-acclaimed extraordinary professor in that science who personally knows many of the free energy inventors and also promotes the development of new players in the field. In the year 2007 he said he was in the last phase of producing his generator commercially (see also: Video, MEG-project, article, the Wikipage about it and the documentary Energy from the Vacuum (part 2). One of Bearden's most popular quotes is: "At any point and at any time, one can freely and inexpensively extract enormous EM energy flows directly from the active vacuum itself."

Historically preceded to these devices four different concepts. Firstly was there a patent from 1871 for a 'Electromagnetic Battery' consisting of two doubly wound and interconnected coils around iron cores of Daniel Macfarland Cook (US 119,825). The coils had to be energized to start a process that was self-generating and by Cook was called an 'improvement in induction coils'.An attempt to replicate this did not succeed in proving the operation of this device.
Concerning the ring-generator of Stephen Mark there was a second patent of Tesla from 1898 (US 725,605) called a "System of Signaling" which used two coils in a spiral form that caught the energy of 'space waves that have a speed of, or greater than, that of light'. That energy, once it was captured, could be sent between the two coils.

Fourth was there concerning the winning of energy from wound magnets the technology of two devices, called the "Magnetstromapparat" and the "Stromerzeuger" invented by the german wehrmacht captain Hans Coler in the thirties of the previous century. The first device consisted of a hexagon of six ferrite magnets that were specially wound to the left and the right with copper wire in

Why no mention of Floyd Sweet?